Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Calvin on Tap presents Luther

Calvin on Tap again....December 14th, 7-9pm at Smith's Public House. Men, we will be viewing the movie from 2003 on the life of Martin Luther. Reformed discussion, beverage and fellowship to follow. Don't miss it! And now just a little history on the Calvin/Luther connection:

We have no way of knowing when Calvin accepted Luther's doctrine, but there can be little doubt about its influence on him. With the exception of Augustine, Luther undoubtably had more influence on Calvin than any other person. McNeill (154) informs us that, "While writing the Seneca Commentary Calvin lived in the house of a cloth merchant, Etionne de la Forge, a devout Waldensian from Piedmont. This man was an ardent reader of Luther and a fearless propagandist of Protestantism" (p. 109). It is little wonder that Meyer (1969) writes, "In many respects Calvin can and must be regarded as Luther's disciple" (p. 174).

More evidence of Luther's influence can be detected in the Institutes themselves. In 1965, John Hesselink gave a studied analysis of the development and purpose of Calvin's Institutes. He observes that "It covered the traditional catechetical themes: the Law, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Supper and the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper in the same order as Luther's Catechisms" (p. 68).

Thursday, November 15, 2007

So Elder Smith's house has become a "Public House" for the evening of November 16th, 7-9pm.

Calvin on Tap
A Monthly Men's Forum
The Wild & Wacky World of Presidential Politics

Reformed Fellowship
Reformed Discussion
Reformed Beverages

If you'd like to join us, email blp22@optonline.net
and we'll give directions.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Welcome, Hunter-Eldridge Family!

We were very pleased to welcome the Hunter-Eldridge family into membership at Christ Covenant Church this past Lord's Day. The bookends in the picture are Elder Kris Smith and myself, then Andre', Dianna, and children...from left to right, Zipporah, Simeon, Phinehas, Theophilus, and Marisha. We look forward to ministering together, and pray that the Lord would bless this homeschooling family.

Monday, October 01, 2007

I Belong to Jesus Sunday School class

Here is the contents of a letter that went out to the parents of children who attended our VBS program this year:

Christ Covenant Church presents this unique program of religious instruction in order to assist parents in raising children to live in God’s world. Here’s how:

1. They will hear the great stories of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

2. They will learn Bible verses, the Apostle’s Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and much more.

3. They will learn to sing in harmony. Using Psalms & Hymns, they will learn part-singing in our Singing School.

4. They will receive training in worship. In other words, they will learn how to sit quietly and respectfully during a worship service; how to participate in joyful singing, heart-felt prayer, and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

5. They will learn the basics of Christian Manners. The foundation of good manners is Jesus’ command to love your neighbor as yourself. Children enrolled in our program will learn how to show love and respect for others: parents, teachers, and friends.

Classes begin September 16th, from 12:15pm to 1:00pm (following our worship service and fellowship time). Children may join classes that have already started.

Here is one of the songs the children will be learning:

I Belong to Jesus

Oh, what is your comfort, in life and in death?
And where does your hope and your confidence rest?
That I, with both body and soul, do belong
To Jesus my Savior, to Him alone.

He’s paid for my sins with His own precious blood;
He loved me, forgave me, and promised me good.
From all of the pow’r of the Devil set free;
He’s purchased my pardon, He’s ransomed me .

My heavenly Father, in love, day by day,
Preserves me and keeps me in such a way,
Not even a hair can fall from my head;
But all works together for salvation, instead.

And now by the Spirit, the Spirit divine,
He also assures me that His life is mine;
And so makes me willing and ready to live,
A life that is pleasing, obedient to Him

lyrics: Rev. Brian L. Penney (from the Heidelberg Catechism Q/A 1)
tune: “I Love Thee”, Jeremiah Ingalls 1805

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Vacation Bible School ~ 2007

We've had about 30 + children attending each night for VBS. Although we weren't able to get the singing group from the previous post to come and sing Joshua Fit the Battle for us, we're not doing to badly with our singing without them. Tomorrow night we will be marching around Jericho's wall (I have to get a picture for you) seven times, and you can guess what will be happening!

The children have been listening very carefully to the story and have enjoyed the flannel-board visuals. They like being chosen to help put up the figures on the board, and know that only those showing good behavior will be chosen.

The parents will be coming tomorrow night to see what their children have been learning, we'll have the final Bible lesson, march around the walls, and have some refreshments. We will also be encouraging those who do not attend to sign their children up for our new Sunday School class that starts in September. It's called "I Belong to Jesus". I'll tell you more about it later.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Barbershop - Joshua Fit the Battle of Jerico(ver2.0)

Now I said we were going to learn about Joshua in Vacation Bible School....and these guys are gonna teach us a couple of things about singing...if we can get them to come to Copiague!

Vacation Bible School

It's that time of year again! Here are some pictures from last year's VBS. It was a scorcher...hopefully August 20-24 will be a little cooler. Last year our theme was centered on God's deliverance of His people from slavery in Egypt. This year we will see God's leading through Joshua, as His people enter the Promised Land. We have a good number of contacts plus new families who want to send their children. A new Sunday School class will be offered as a follow-up starting in September. I'll tell you more about that later.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Finishing Touches

The sanctuary makeover is now complete...carpet and curtains were the final touches. All praise to God for the finances to restore what was an old, run-down room into a beautiful sanctuary. A fitting place to sing His praises...the acoustics are much improved with the removal of the sound absorbing carpet, acoustical tile and wallboard.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Behold, the padded pews!

The church makeover is almost complete...carpet should be along next week.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Extreme Makeover ~ Church Edition

Painting is done...pews are next, painting and padding. Then carpet and window treatments, and that should do it for now. We hope to schedule a dedication/celebration for our church building sometime in May. All are invited!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Federal Vision

The Federal Vision Study Group held its first meeting/discussion at Kings Highway Reformed Church yesterday afternoon. The topic was "The Objectivity of the Covenant". Good fellowship, great singing, and lively conversation marked our first session. We look forward to our next meeting, March 25th, in Copiague. You should be there! Our topic for next time is "Justification & Good Works".

We're hoping by that time to have our building renovations completed! Things should really move along this week...more pictures to follow.

Monday, February 12, 2007

More renovation pictures....

Carmine & Dennis take a well-deserved lunch break! They made great progress last week...kitchen cabinets in, sheetrock done in the sanctuary, raised panel styles & rails up...wow! This week should see the beginnings of the raised panels installed and the floors sanded down to bare wood.

We hope to set up the pews in the fellowship hall and have worship at home again....having been on the road for two Lord's Days.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Church Renovations

Sandro and crew at work...sheetrock spackle and paint. The old wainscot will be covered with classic raised panels with a new chair rail. The floor will be sanded down and refinished. We're leaving more of the beautiful hardwood floor showing...minimal carpet. New doors are on the way, again for a classic look. The pews need some work...checking prices from Pad-a-Pew on padding the seats and backs, then a light refinishing of the wood that shows.

Many thanks to Dennis Miller & Carmine Matone, dear brothers in Christ, for their conscientious work and expertise! They're making this old building come alive! If all goes well we should see the finished product by the beginning of March. Dennis & Carmine are working on the kitchen renovation this week and I'll have to get some more pictures by the end of the week.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Paedofaith ~ And why not?

Christ Covenant Church will begin a study of the Rev. Rich Lusk's book, Paedofaith: A Primer on the Mystery of Infant Salvation and a Handbook for Covenant Parents beginning January 21st. I'm seeing it as strapping on another weapon in our warfare with the unbiblical and, mind you, unreformed mindset surrounding parents and their covenant children in the world of modern evangelicalism. Maybe it is "baptism" by immersion...immersion in the Faith-- in the Christian home, in the Church, and in the school. That kind of nurturing of infant faith is what made Van Til (quoting from the back cover), "Though there were no tropical showers of revivals, the relative humidity was always very high...I was 'conditioned' in the most thorough fashion. I could not help believing in God--in the God of Christianity--in the God of the Bible!"

Would that all our covenant children were so "conditioned" as Dr. Van Til, and King David, and John the Baptist, even our Lord Jesus Christ. Why should we not expect with confidence that faith from the womb is the norm; and expect that by God's grace, through the faithful nurture of Christian parents, that the faith that began as a tiny seed will flower and produce fruit? And why not?