Monday, February 26, 2007

The Federal Vision

The Federal Vision Study Group held its first meeting/discussion at Kings Highway Reformed Church yesterday afternoon. The topic was "The Objectivity of the Covenant". Good fellowship, great singing, and lively conversation marked our first session. We look forward to our next meeting, March 25th, in Copiague. You should be there! Our topic for next time is "Justification & Good Works".

We're hoping by that time to have our building renovations completed! Things should really move along this week...more pictures to follow.


Anonymous said...

Are girls allowed at the next discussion or should we just make the sandwiches?

Brian said...

Sandwiches would be fine. Of course, if you would like to know more about the Federal Vision discussions, you could ask your husband or father...if they attend...what it was all about.

Anonymous said...

Dad's passed on and no husband. Anyway it sounds a lot like the way they treat us in Islam, so I'll pass.

Sludgemeister said...

Where's Kings Highway Reformed Church? I thought that became Messiah's Covenant Community Church circa 2005.

Brian said...

Paige, why not visit and see if we're as nasty as you're inclined to think.

Jim, call or email and I'll explain the situation.