The children have been listening very carefully to the story and have enjoyed the flannel-board visuals. They like being chosen to help put up the figures on the board, and know that only those showing good behavior will be chosen.
The parents will be coming tomorrow night to see what their children have been learning, we'll have the final Bible lesson, march around the walls, and have some refreshments. We will also be encouraging those who do not attend to sign their children up for our new Sunday School class that starts in September. It's called "I Belong to Jesus". I'll tell you more about it later.
We are thinking of visiting your services. Is it non-denominational? What credentials do the Pastors hold?
Are most of these children members of the Church? We have 1 daughter, 6. Is casual attire ok or should we dress up? One last silly question: coffee and cake afterward?
thankyou so much.
Greetings Susan,
Our church is a member of this group:
This is where my pastoral credentials are held. I served two churches in VA,and did church planting here on LI before being called to Christ Covenant Church 5 years ago.
Many of the children you see here are from the community...VBS is one of our outreach ministries. We have encouraged the parents to send them to our children's SS class called I Belong to Jesus, which begins September 16th. We would encourage you to "dress up", as if you were in the presence of a dignitary...which we are when we gather to worship the Lord! And yes, we have a coffee and bagel fellowship after worship...worship begins at 10am. Will we see you this Sunday? We look forward to your visit!
Pastor Brian L. Penney
(631) 594-1377
Thank you, Pastor Penney. My husband is something of a stickler on this. This is important to him. He would like to know how you came to Christ Covenant Church 5 years ago and what your education background is? That's what I meant by credentials. Did you graduate from Seminary? What advance degree(s) do you hold?
thank you again.
-Susan Baldacci
I was called to CCC when the church suddenly found themselves without a pastor. If you would like to know the details,you can email me at or call (631)594-1377
I do not have a seminary degree, but a BS in Physical Education from Houghton College, a Christian, liberal arts college in western NY. My theological and ministerial training was through self-study, and hands-on service as an elder and co-pastor. I was ordained to the ministry in 1995 in the Federation of Reformed Churches, and served two churches in VA.
Btw, we will be holding joint services with our sister/mission church, Kings Highway Reformed Church(KHRC), October 7th, so we will not be in Copiague at all next Lord's Day. We'll be back home October 14th with our missionary to Poland, Rev. Pawel Bartosik,preaching. We will be having a fellowship dinner following the service....a good time to visit since KHRC will be with us that day too!
Pastor Brian
Did you ever work as a Gym Teacher?
Is Pastoring your only job now? Is it full time? Maybe you can catch me up on the details when I see you.
So you are self-taught Pastor. Amazing! Good for you, I say. But my husband will not like that, but I don't mind at all.
When will be the next time you're preaching? I will come then. Should I plan for the 14th? I'l probably be alone the first visit
Gym teacher?..that's a long story. God had other plans. Yes I am the full time pastor of CCC. I realize my theological education and ordination are not the norm, but I know a number of men who have traveled the same road to successful pastorates. I won't be preaching on the 14th, but I would encourage you to come that day, anyway. I'll be preaching on the 21st. If you have an email address I could send you a recording of a sermon. Btw, what church do you attend presently?
Pastor Brian
We used to be Catholic but since the scandals, we don't go anymore. I don't know if he's going to approve. But I continue to be blessed by your website.
So am I understanding right that you are not attending worship anywhere right now? Divine worship is more than simply hearing the preacher preach the Word of God. And we can always find something that doesn't meet our approval in any man called to minister in the church. Yet divine worship is not about the man in the pulpit, but the God/Man in heaven. As those baptized, marked out as belonging to Jesus Christ, we owe Him worship through our songs of adoration, our confession of sins, our prayers of intercession, our professing the one, true Faith in the Apostle's Creed, our celebrating the Lord's Supper...all that we do corporately in worship. The minister leads God's people in worship; he calls on them to lift up their hearts in praise, to hear the Word of the Lord read and preached, to go into the world to live obedient lives to our King. God's Word instructs us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves for divine worship, but to be faithful in it, in spite of what sinful men have done. Suppose a teacher in your child's school proved to be offensive or incompetent? Would you then neglect the education of your daughter, because you were offended? Would a hyper-critical attitude overtake you towards all teachers? Or would you recognize that education is important and necessary, in spite of not finding the perfect teacher? Just some thoughts.
Hi Susan,
I read your comments and I understand your concerns, but God does not say in the bible that you have to go to seminary. God called me into the ministry and I did not even graduate from high school! I like this blog but was wondering about the picture of the catholic priest with a woman next to him. Aren't they not supposed to be with women?
Anyway, don't let the lack of Bible college fool you. The Holy Spirit started speaking through me when I was only 29 years old and still in rehab. In prison, rehab, or even half-way houses God speaks.
My ministry is growing now and I pastor an internet church. Who says God is limited to a seminary or a building? Just follow your spirit. My ordination is from God and not man. some men don't even think God can speak to a woman but my flock has men and women both.
(Rev.) Taimisha Ellen Walker
The picture of the "catholic priest" is me with my wife on the other blog. I am not a Roman Catholic priest, even though I wear a clerical collar. Many Protestant ministers do.
The Roman Catholics are wrong about celibacy, since they don't follow the Scripture found in I Timothy 3:1-7.
Ministers (bishops) are to "be the husband of one wife". So, clearly marriage is allowed to ministers. Also clearly taught here is that ministers are men, not women! The Word of God shows many examples of women serving the Lord, but never as priests in the OT, nor pastors, elders, or bishops in the NT. Also clear from the Bible is the fact that no one is ordained by themselves. God ordains through the agency of the leadership of the Church. The history of the Church is filled with heretics who thought they were called by God, but had rejected the approval of the God-ordained leadership of the Church. Timothy was ordained by the laying on of hands by the eldership. See I Timothy 4:14. So, it is clear, Taimisha, that you are not following the Word of God, but "your spirit". You should repent and find a different area of service in God's Kingdom.
Pastor, do you actually wear a priest-like collar? Why on earth would you do that? My husband would see that and turn right around and leave when he sees that. Of all the outfits to choose...can't you just wear a suit? Or maybe some other type of garb? Priest collar is now the calling card of the child molester. Not that you are...but they are and why try to dress like them? Please pick anything else.
Susan, let's think carefully about this...there is such a thing as police brutality, whether in this country, or maybe let's say, in Nazi Germany. Police wore uniforms in the commission of crimes, horrible crimes. So we should conclude that honest, moral police officers must not wear a uniform. Or maybe judges should not wear robes because many judges have been corrupt and unjust. And should we say that the sins of a number of Roman Catholic priests would preclude all ministers of protestant denominations from wearing a uniform that identifies them as ministers of Christ?
I have in the past worn a suit and tie to lead worship services in our church. The suit and tie is the uniform of business. There have been many corrupt businessmen. Maybe I should wear casual clothes...but many more people have committed awful sins in casual clothes. You see if you follow this line of thinking you couldn't wear anything, and then where would we be? Mankind is, after all, sinful. Those who have brought shame on their particular uniform or calling should be called to account,and punished appropriately.
If however, every minister in all of Christendom were conspiring to hide the truth of clergy abuse, I might concede your point. Such is not the case. You see, I would turn it around:how dare these corrupt priests dress like faithful ministers? They should pick something else to wear, for the clerical collar represents men who have been called to an honorable calling: to represent the Lord Jesus Christ and to serve His people as a shepherd. Does this make sense to you? We should be careful about sense throwing out the baby with the baptismal water, eh?
If you would like to know more, read this article by a pastor I know.
well, you certainly insult me! Since you don't have a seminary degree and have ministered in two other churches in virginia what ever became of them? why you leave? I stay with my people no matter what. moses did not leave his people.
What do those churches think of you leaving? Are they thriving with the Spirit right now?
Rev. T Walker
Pointing out what the Scripture says about the qualifications of Elder/Bishops from I Timothy 3 was not meant as an insult. Let God be true and every man a liar. I would like to see where you find women priests in the OT or any justification for women being pastors or elders in the NT. Could you show me?
Collars are priest symbols. Just like the confederete flag is nowadays a symbol of bigotry. Maybe it didnt start out that way but it is used as an insult and reminder of slavery. To me seeing a priest collar just hurts. You may be a good priest...but a bad priest hurt me 30 years ago. Im sorry collars are for priests. I will never ever again go to a church where the priest wears a collar.
Well Susan, it seems that it would be of no use in presenting the facts concerning the origin of the clerical collar(invented by an Anglican minister in the late 19th century, NOT the Roman Catholic Church), nor the fact that many protestant ministers wear clerical garb: Reformed, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, etc. You have convinced yourself that the clerical uniform is a symbol of evil, rather than discerning that the uniform itself is not evil, but the person who brings shame on the uniform because of heinous sin.
We had looked forward to meeting you, but that sounds out of the question for the time being. I would urge you to find a church where the pastor does not wear the offending uniform, where the pastor has a seminary degree, where the Word of God is taught and obeyed, where the fellowship of the church members is sweet, and where you can find a place to serve the living God. I'm guessing you live relatively nearby, I would suggest these churches: West Sayville Reformed Bible Church, Franklin Square Orthodox Presbyterian Church, or Bohemia Orthodox Presbyterian Church. I pray that what happened 30 years ago has not driven you away from the man's sin didn't tempt you to sin by neglecting your obligation to worship our gracious and loving Heavenly Father.
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