Thursday, August 23, 2007

Vacation Bible School ~ 2007

We've had about 30 + children attending each night for VBS. Although we weren't able to get the singing group from the previous post to come and sing Joshua Fit the Battle for us, we're not doing to badly with our singing without them. Tomorrow night we will be marching around Jericho's wall (I have to get a picture for you) seven times, and you can guess what will be happening!

The children have been listening very carefully to the story and have enjoyed the flannel-board visuals. They like being chosen to help put up the figures on the board, and know that only those showing good behavior will be chosen.

The parents will be coming tomorrow night to see what their children have been learning, we'll have the final Bible lesson, march around the walls, and have some refreshments. We will also be encouraging those who do not attend to sign their children up for our new Sunday School class that starts in September. It's called "I Belong to Jesus". I'll tell you more about it later.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Barbershop - Joshua Fit the Battle of Jerico(ver2.0)

Now I said we were going to learn about Joshua in Vacation Bible School....and these guys are gonna teach us a couple of things about singing...if we can get them to come to Copiague!

Vacation Bible School

It's that time of year again! Here are some pictures from last year's VBS. It was a scorcher...hopefully August 20-24 will be a little cooler. Last year our theme was centered on God's deliverance of His people from slavery in Egypt. This year we will see God's leading through Joshua, as His people enter the Promised Land. We have a good number of contacts plus new families who want to send their children. A new Sunday School class will be offered as a follow-up starting in September. I'll tell you more about that later.